sábado, 2 de abril de 2011

CONTINGENTE PARAGUAYO EN HAITÍ y EL ÑANDUTI EN PARIS. LA REVISTA DE LA SEMANA INTERNACIONAL. Dirección: Manuel Cuenca. SNT Cerro Corá. Sábado 2 de abril de 2011, 20 hs. Repetición a la medianoche. Foto: Manuel Cuenca frente al Palacio Presidencial, derrumbado por el terremoto de enero de 2010. Puerto Principe, Haití.

6 comentarios:

    Señor Cuenca,la fotografia que esta en tu blog es del cañonero Humaitã o Paraguay.
    yo soy el sobrino del capitán Rufino Martinez,que fue comandante de la flotilla de guerra y del cañonero Paraguay.
    me gustaria saver si usted tiene algunas fotos de el.
    Cordialmente : PEDRO APONTE MARTINEZ.


  2. pI do not think Instagram is overused but we certainly run that risk if this becomes common rather than a michael kors outlet online sale free shipping noteworthy exception,q Mr. Hasen said.Michael Kors is looking to drive affluent consumers in-store during one of the most hyped fashion nights of the year by hosting a karaoke contest at its new Madison Avenue store in New overstock York.The brand is hosting the contest before Mr. Kors himself and a panel of celebrity judges. The winner will receive $5,000 towards Michael Kors.pThe real appeal lies in the level of fun and excitement that is built michael kors outlet online sale into these events,q said Elizabeth DeMaso, managing partner of Brenes Co., New York. pIt is an opportunity for fashion brands michael kors handbags to embrace and promote their individual brand personalities.
    The microsite hosts a contest as well. Users can enter to win one of approximately 30 Michael Kors holiday gifts through the "Your Chance to Win" button on the microsite's toolbar by entering their name, email address and country of residence.On Facebook, Michael Kors will share fan responses to the #CelebrateWith campaign from www.michaelkors.com all social networks.The label will also showcase its holiday product line targeted by demographic. Advertising and content will align with merchandise delivery dates."I think the strategy is for Michael Kors to get its audience excited for the michael kors outlet stores holidays and the possibility of gifts this season," said Lauren Formalarie, senior social analyst and account manager at Say it Social, Wilmington, NC."There is something thrilling about getting gifts, no matter what your age is, so I michael kors think by using very visually-stimulating examples related to keywords people put on their Celebrate With Web page, it is giving customers ideas of what they may want to ask Santa for, and even including a link for michael kors some of them on the Web site,
